Turnkey Solutions

Simplify Complex Helicopter Operations with Comprehensive, Seamless Support Tailored to Your Needs.

What We Offer

Blackhawk UH-60-A on the ground

Skycore Aviation tailors turnkey solutions to meet operational, maintenance, and training support needs that are readily deployable and designed to satisfy each customer’s short to long-term requirements. Anywhere in the world, we can deliver our clients a full-support solution featuring forward-deployed management for cohesive, seamless operations.

Expertise You Can Count On

We support every stage of your operation.

  • Icon of mission planning

    Mission Planning

  • Icon of helicopter

    Aircraft Configuration

  • Icon of tactics


  • Icon of flowchart

    Techniques and Procedures

  • Icon of checkmark

    Mission Execution

  • Icon of chart

    Post Mission Analysis

Simultaneous Training and Operations

We can support flight operations by flying missions while training your helicopter pilots in classrooms, simulators, and in your aircraft. Our mechanics and technicians can maintain your fleet and simultaneously provide your helicopter maintenance personnel with on-the-job training.

Person on the ground wearing headphones looking at helicopter

Ready to Simplify Your Helicopter Operations?