UH-60A, UH-60A+ and UH-60L Black Hawk – What’s the Difference?

Skycore Aviation, an international helicopter personnel services and UH-60 Black Hawk provider (www.BlackHawk360.com) company, is pleased to present this analysis of UH-60A, UH-60A+ and UH-60L Black Hawk.

UH-60A Black Hawk

The UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter is the U.S. Army’s primary medium-lift utility transport and air assault aircraft. The first of many Black Hawk variants was the UH-60A.

With a basic crew of three, the Black Hawk is capable of a wide range of missions including:

• Search and rescue (SAR)
• Medevac
• VIP and troop transport
• Firefighting
• Combat assault
• External lift

The Black Hawk has proven to be a multi-faceted helicopter both in combat and peace time missions. It functions as the premier combat utility helicopter for the United States and 27 other nations. As a result of the Army’s divestiture of UH-60As through the BEST Program recently, it has been introduced to the civil aviation market.

UH-60A Upgraded to UH-60L

Since the Black Hawk inception in 1979, the helicopter has undergone several upgrades. In 1989 the second generation of Black Hawk, the UH-60L was introduced. The UH-60 “L” model was very similar to the “A” model without modification to the rotor systems. However, the UH-60L included improvements in the engines, transmission, structure and the flight control systems.

As a result, the main differences in the “L” model are:

• New T700-GE-401C/D turboshaft engines with associated electronic upgrades
• Improved Durability Main Gearbox (IDGB)
• Strengthened flight controls
• Enhanced tail boom, stabilator and vibration absorbers
• Hover IR suppression system (HIRSS) designed to cool engine exhaust gasses
• Additional 1000 Lbs. of lift on the cargo hook

UH-60A+ Black Hawk

With the performance success of the UH-60L, the US Army sought similar performance in the UH-60A for its existing fleet without the expense of completely refurbishing the A model to the L. As a result, the Army replaced the T700 engines with new GE 701D/CC engines. These new engines provide the desired increase in power without the additional expense of the other UH-60L upgrades. The Army called these new more powerful UH-60A’s the UH-60A+.

Blackhawk 360 Solution UH-60A+ and “L” Modifications

Skycore Aviation’s Blackhawk 360 Solution includes replacing existing GE T-700 engines on its UH-60As with new GE T-701D/CC engines to provide customers with the additional power of a new UH-60A+. In addition, Skycore will also replace the UH-60A main gear box with the IDGB and upgrade the flight controls based on customer specific mission requirements. These upgrades provide performance similar to the UH-60L as well as most of the functionality.

Overall differences between the aircraft would be the:

• Tail boom
• Stabilator
• Vibration absorbers
• Additional 1000 pounds of cargo hook capacity.

The Blackhawk 360 Solution provides customers with UH-60A+ options and price points to configure the correct aircraft for their mission at the best value.

Skycore Aviation  is an international helicopter personnel services and UH-60 Black Hawk provider (www.blackhawk360.com).  Our knowledge and experience enable Skycore to provide personnel and turnkey solutions for helicopter programs tailored to meet our customer’s operations, maintenance and training needs.  To stay atop of the rotary wing industry, follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook.


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